Zack (ザック, Zakku?) is a dogman child who was enslaved by the Hoelscher Empire.
Zack is a young boy with brown hair and blue eyes. As a dogman, he has droopy dog ears and a tail.
Zack was among the beastmen that was captured by soldiers of the Hoelscher Empire when they raided the Sea of Trees. While a slave in the empire, Zack was forced to help rebuild the capital, which had suffered extensive damaged after it was attacked by demons. While he was transporting some rubble away in a wheelbarrow, he tripped over a brick and spilled his load. One of the guards was about to punish Zack by hitting him with his club, but was suddenly knocked into a nearby pile of rubble and became unconscious. Several other guards then tended to the unconscious guard; completely forgetting about Zack. Unbeknownst to anyone, it was Hajime Nagumo who covertly knocked the soldier out by using his prosthetic arm's needle gun.
Zack and all of the other beastman slaves were set free several days later, due to Emperor Gahard being forced to release them after having been bested in combat by the Haulia Tribe, and were all being transported back home to Verbergen on Hajime's airship "Fernir." After arriving in Verbergen, Zack was reunited with his mother, and the two of them tearfully embraced each other.
- The name "Zack" is derived from Hebrew "Zekaryâh / Zekaryâhû," meaning "God has remembered."
- Zack is only named in the Web Novel.
- Zack's eyes were originally brown in the Anime, but were later changed to blue.
- Zack's Japanese voice actress Aoi Inase also voiced his mother.