Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Wiki

Mariabel (マリアベル, Mariaberu?) was formerly a man who once confessed to Yue, and got his genitals crushed, but later ends up becoming a disciple of Crystabel, and opens a branch clothing store in the Heiligh Kingdom's capital.


Initially, this individual was of middling height with red hair.

After training under Crytabel, Mariabel is tall and muscular. Mariabel's hair is in twintails with cute ribbons tied at each end.


Af first, Mariabal is arrogant and believing himself to be deserving of any woman.

After his confrontation with Yue, Mariabel becomes more humble and respectful. Mariabel inherits many of Crystabel's personality traits after studying under the clothing merchant, such as being more flamboyant and flirtatious.


This individual first encountered Yue in Brooke Town and had instantly fallen for her. After his attempts to impress her failed, he resorted to using force to make her his woman. Yue responded by encasing the man in ice and repeatedly bombarded his genitals with spheres of wind magic until he passed out. After having had his genitals destroyed, this individual eventually became a disciple of the clothing store merchant and former adventurer Crystabel, and was also christened with the new name "Mariabal."

Mariabal visited the capital of the Heiligh Kingdom after it had been invaded by a demon army. When they visited the Adventurer's Guild, they ran into the gold-rank adventurer Abel while he was arrogantly confronting Yue, Hajime Nagumo, and Shizuku Yaegashi. Mariabal immediately began flirting with Abel, to which Abel became immedistly creeped out and tried to push them back, but was physically overpowered by Maribel's strength. As Abel was begging Hajime to rescue him, Yue intervened and proceeded to decimates his genitals with her wind spheres. Maribel then greeted Hajime's group, and apoligized to Yue for the way they treated her during their first encounter in Brooke, to which she happily accepted. Maribel that many other people who's genitals were also decimated became disciples of Crystabel (much to Hajime's horror), and that it that gotten to a point that Maribel had arrived in the capital in order to establish a another branch of their master's clothing store.

Mariabal was among the those that gathered against Ehit when the mad god was prepared to wipe out all life on Tortus. The night before the final battle, Mariabal, as well as many other victims of having their genitals crushed by Yue, approached Hajime in order to express their gratitude and affection for helping them discover an entirely new perspective for themselves, much to his disgust.

During the battle against Ehit's forces, Mariabel fought alongside Crystabel and the other disciples as part of the allied forces' seventh legion. With the aid of Hajime's artifacts, they all managed to kill three apostles bare-handed. The battle eventually ended in Tortus' victory when Hajime managed to kill Ehit, and would come to be known as "Ragnarok."



Mariabel is of of Crystabel's disciples, as well as the one who gave the former adventurer the name "Mariabel."


Mariabel is enamored by Yue's looks at first and wishes for her to be his woman. After she refuses, he tries to take her by force and has his genitals mutilated as a result. Mariabel is now remorseful on how Yue was treated during their first encounter, and has since earned her forgiveness.

Powers & Abilities

  • Enhanced Strength - Maribel was trained by Crystabel after having having confronted Yue. As a result, Mariabel is strong enough to easily overpower the gold-rank adventure Abel.

Weapons & Equipment

  • Enchanted Armor - A suit of armor that Hajime Nagumo made for everyone who participated in Ragarok. It was imbued with a triple-layered "Diamond Skin," "Impact Absorption," "Auto-Recovery," "Stamina Recovery ," and gravity magic that made it lighter. The helmet was imbued with "Riftwalk" and "Foresight," the greaves with "Supersonic Step" and "Aerodynamic," and the gauntlets were enchanted with spatial magic. It was destroyed by Hajime after Ehit's death
  • CheatMate (チートメイト, Chītomeito?) - A food-type artifact comprised of nutritional minerals, such as calcium and iron, that are enchanted with metamorphosis and evolution magic. They are then turned into powder and transmuted to became a solid food block. Once consumed, it raises a person's base stats and increases their body's sturdiness.
  • Last Seele (ラスト・ゼーレ, Rasuto Zēre?) - A necklace artifact with a small crimson red gem orb that Hajime made for everyone who participated in Ragnarok. It bestows its wearer the skill "Limit Break," as well as its derivative skill "Overload."


  • (To Yue): "Fine, then I’ll just make you mine by force!"[1]
  • (To Abel): "And just whooo do you think you’re calling a grotesque, vulgar monster who drives people insane just by glancing their way!?"[2]
  • (To Abel): "How cruel! First you call me a monster, now you say you’ll kill me... and we’ve only just met! The other gold-rank adventurer I know is much more courteous. Though... you’re more my type♡"[2]
  • (To Yue): "I understand now how inappropriate my actions had been before. I’m sorry, Yue-oneesama...."[2]


  • Mariabel does not appear in the Anime.

