Diene Devault (ディーネ・デヴォルト, Dīne Devoruto?) was a dagon-human mixed breed, who was the younger half-sister of the pirate and Liberator Meiru Melusine.
Diene was a young girl with long emerald-green hair and amethyst eyes. Due to her dagon heritage, Diene's ears were fan-like fins.
As an adult, Diene was nearly identical to her sister, with the only exception of her having a modest chest in comparison. She also wore the same kind of revealing clothing that Meiru had preferred.
Diene was initially timid and meek. The years of abuse she suffered from her father caused her to be easily scared. Despite her harsh upbringing, Diene was compassionate and would not shy away from helping others in need.
After her sister Meiru and her comrades attempted to rescue her, Diene learned to stand up for herself in order to make sure their efforts were not in vain.
Having lived in isolation for most of her life, Diene was naïve on much of how the world works. Upon seeing Oscar Orcus use his powerful artifacts in a recording, she immediately came to the conclusion that they were standard items that many people owned, in spite of possessing incredible abilities.
By the time she reached adulthood, Diene had developed similar traits to her half-sister. She became much more domineering, sadistic and greedy, while still maintaining a kind outwardly appearance. Even so, she cared very much for her subordinates, and they in turn cared very much for her. However, unlike Meiru, Diene was very skilled at housework.
Diene was also very insecure about her breasts due to them being small, as compared to Meiru's, as well as her love interest Dylan had expressed a fondness for large breasts while in front of her.
Diene was born in the outlaw island city Andika to its ruler Baharl Devault, and a dagon woman Reej. At some point, Diene was discovered to be atavist with special restorative magic after she had used her powers on one of the her father's retainers who’d been injured from a fight. As a result of her constant use of her special magic, Diene had begun to earn a reputation as a "Saint" throughout the area. However, her father would have her confined most of her life out in an underground chamber out of fear that she would be discovered by the Holy Church and taken by them due to both her powers, as well as having been called a saint without their approval. When she was around six years old, Diene' mother Reej would tell her stories about the latter's older half-sister Meiru that she had kept secret from Baharl, and even claimed how she would one day sneak in her room to visit her. Unfortunately, Reej died soon after due to having a frail body, but her prediction did come to pass when Meiru had snuck into just outside were Diene was being confined by her father. As the two sisters met for the first time through the room's barred window, Diene immediately recognized Meiru based on her mother's stories, and expressed the excitement of meeting her for the first time. After seeing the loneliness and desperation in Diene's eyes from her years of isolation, Meiru vowed to one day free her sister and live together in peace.
When Diene was eleven, Baharl discovered an ancient ruin deep below Andika the contained a damaged fresco of a large monster known as the "Divine Beast Leviathan." Diene was then tasked with using her magic to restore parts of it and discovered that it was actually a seal for that monster. Baharl planned to restore it and set the monster free in the future with the hope to he could control it and use its power to fight against any outside threat to Andika, including the Holy Church (who was also Andika's true ruler in the shadows). The more time was spent on restoring the fresco, however, the more the sea surrounding Andika became increasingly violent.
Two years later, Baharl became more motivated to learn about the leviathan due to a band of pirates continuously raiding Andika.
One night, after Diene had restored part of the fresco, Baharl and several of his henchmen arrived to check her progress, but she was unable to learn any new information from what she had restored thus far. Diene expressed her concerns over her father's project due to noticing an increase hostility of the surrounding sea and feared a possible connection. Baharl agreed with her concerns, but still wished to continue his efforts to uncover the secrets the ruins may have contained. Having noticed his daughter's apparent exhaustion from her work, Baharl asked her how many times she used her magic during the day, to which claimed three times, as per his orders. Baharl's subordinate Kelvin then explained that she used some of her mana earlier that day to heal some injured miners in the tunnels above the ruins. Despite this selfless deed, Barharl slapped Diene and berated her for using her magic without his permission out of fear of being discovered and captured by the church. He then gave her an object for her to view that contained a recording of an incident in the high-end casino at Andika's inner ring, and then ordered her to go to her room among the underground tunnels.
As soon as she got to her room, Diene laid her body down in exhaustion while muling over the harsh treatment she had received from her father. She then used some of her mana on the object the she had received from him to view the incident he had described to her. Much to her shock, she was viewing a young man in glasses running down the streets of Andika's central district with a girl tucked under his arms, while evading being captured by a group of men in black suits by punching them, stripping them, and occasionally blinding them with a flash from his glasses. After viewing the event multiple times, Diene was utterly embarrassed from viewing such an ordeal and thought that the young man was a pervert for using such abnormal tactics during his escape, but was quite impressed with his unique array of artifacts (while mistakingly considering them to be commonplace among everyday people). she then crawled into her bed while sadly thinking of her mother and sister.
A month later, Diene was among those that had gathered in Baharl's office to celebrate his subordinate Ace's birthday. During that time, Baharl had Diene cease any further attempts to restore the fresco, which in turn returned the sea and the surrounding wildlife back to normal. While Baharl was working in his office, Diene was innocently looking out the window when Baharl stated out loud that it was too dangerous to try to release the leviathan. Hearing this caused Diene to glance at him for a moment, which had immediately gotten his attention and asked her if she a problem with what he said, but she desperately tried to deny it before going silent. Just before Ace's party could begin, they were suddenly approached by the Holy Church's templar knights commander Laus Barn (which was actually an astral projection of him). Laus explained that his mission was to eliminate the pirates that were plaguing Andika, as well as give Baharl a message from the pope about reminding him of where his true loyalties should lie. Aware of its meaning, Laus asked Baharl if he had something that he should tell the church, but Baharl claimed he was hiding nothing. Laus gave Baharl one final warning about being loyal before disappearing right infant of everyone. Despite Laus not understanding the true nature of the message, Baharl knew full well that the pope was aware that he had kept his daughter and her powers a secret from the church. He then ordered Diene to go back to her room and had some of his guards escort her. Before having left her father's office, Diene gave Ace a tie as a birthday present.
One night, Diene was suddenly visited by three intruders: Oscar Orcus and Miledi Reisen and Naiz Gruen Caliente (who was also the one that teleported them inside Diene's room with his spatial magic). Before she could scream in shock, Naiz covered her mouth and pin her down to prevent her from resisting. Oscar and Miledi then attempted to defuse the situation by apologizing for scaring her and promised not her harm her while asking her to hear them out. Diene decided to trust them and nodded in agreement, to which Naiz released her from his restraint. Diene then asked Oscar to to strip him in a frightened tone due to having recognized him from the recording of the previous incident in the central distract casino where he stripped her father's henchmen (also while calling him "Mr. Fake Gentleman with Evil Glasses"). This caused Oscar to get on his knees and attempted to explain his actions to her in order to improve her perception of him. Miledi then asked Diene if Baarl was her father after hearing her refer the men that had pursued Oscar at the time as her father's men, to which she confirmed. Mileidi then gave her a scrutinizing gaze due to noticing her similar appearance to Meiru (unaware of the relationship between the two). Diene asked who they were while also expressing concern for them by warning them about getting caught by her father. In response, Miledi lied by claiming that she and her friends were pirates. This immediately prompted Diene to ask her if she new about the pirates that her sister was involved with in such an excited tone that was very uncharacteristic of her. This sudden outburst was overheard by the guards stationed outside her room and immediately prompted them unlock her done. Before the could enter, Diene warned Miledi and the other that pirates were in danger from an attack by the Holy Church's templar knights. and begged them to warn them. Miledi promised to aid the pirates, and Meiru in particular (much to Diene's shock after hearing her utter that name). Miledi the shot Diene one last grin before the three of teleported away. No sooner that they left that the guards entered her room, but Diene was too distracted thinking about her sister's safety.
The following day, after the pirates had emerged victorious from battling the templar knights with aid of Miledi and the others, they launched an attack against Andika. Baharl broke into Diene's room and forcibly grabbed her arm and took her away. Baharl ordered several of his men, including Kelvin, to escape Andika with Diene. Diene, however, refused to comply with her father's orders and threatened to stay if he did not explain the situation to her. At first Baharl was angered at his daughter's newly defying attitude, and even slapped her for it, but she still refused to obey him. He finally agreed to talk as they were preparing to evacuate and explained about the pirate attack, and that he was taking her away in order for the Holy Church not to get their hands on her. They eventually reached a chamber with a boat for her intended escape. Just then there was a tremor that caused some debris to fall. Baharl protected Diene by covering her with his body. As they were about to leave, Baharl gave his daughter some final words of encouragement while he was preparing to stay behind to buy her some time to escape.
As the ship was ready to take off, Ace arrived after having disappeared for some time. Baharl ordered him to leave with Diene, but Ace instead suggested that they take Diene to the ancient ruins so that she could use her magic to help free the leviathan and drive off the invaders. Baharl immediately dismissed that idea due to how dangerous it was to release it. Realizing that something was different about Ace, Baharl and his men barricaded themselves in front of Diene. It was then that Ace stated that he was simply doing what his god commanded. Having realized that Ace had betrayed him by revealing Diene's existence to the church, Baharl was prepared to have Kelvin to kill him, but Ace had somehow managed to get in a shot at Baharl by piercing his chest bare-handed, utterly shocking Diene. Ace then killed Kelvin, to which Diene had then attempted to heal him after having been snapped back into reality from her seeing her father gaze at her. Ace, however, grabbed Diene’s arm and gazed into her eyes, which had somehow managed to knock her out. As he was about to leave with her limp body over his shoulder, Baharl managed to get back on his feet in order to protect his daughter. Despite his best efforts, however, Ace effortlessly blocked his attack and inflicted another critical wound before taking off with Diene to the ruins.
Ace had managed to force Diene to use her magic to completely restore the fresco, and thereby release leviathan's seal, but the process left her exhausted and caused her to faint. Soon after, Baharl arrived while being accompanied by Meiru and Naiz. They saw that Diene had fainted in the middle of the ruins, which prompted Meiru to rush over to her and used her magic to restore her. Diene had awoken afterwords and was in disbelief at first, but immediately recognized Meiru right before her eyes, and the two sisters tearfully embraced each other. Baharl was more concerned with stopping the leviathan from awakening and ordered Meiru and Naiz to destroy the ruins in an attempt to reseal it. As Naiz was about to unleash his magic per Baharl's order, Ace intervened and jabbed Naiz in the gut with such force that it sent him crashing into the wall. He then had gotten behind Meiru and kicked her in the back that sent her flying while she was holding on to Diene to protect her. Baharl caught the two of them before they crashed into the wall, minimizing the damage. Unfortunately, he ended up absorbing most the impact, and had ended up with several cracked ribs. As Ace was suddenly gathering mana around his right hand, Meiru and Naiz attacked him with their magic, but they had been blocked by a barrier that had been erected around him. Naiz soon realized Ace was actually Ehit's apostle in disguise due to the color of the mana-fuelled barrier reminding him of Hearst during a previous battle. The Apostle then unleashed a blinding flash of light that drilled into the wall, leaving a human-shaped hole in the fresco. The hole blew all the way to the sea, and water started rushing in, despite the fact that Andika’s unique properties should have prevented that. The speed of the water caused a flash flood through the tunnels. Ahat, however, was unaffected by the water pressure, and started walking against the current. Diene and the others were then teleported by Naiz immediately afterwords.
After escaping to the surface of Andika, Diene was determined to help her sister's comrades anyway she could while they were battling the church's templar knight that had arrived in the island. She had one of the pirates take her to meet up with Oscar in order to reinforce him while he was engaging several of the churched best knights. They all arrived mid-air thanks to the "Onyx Boot" artifacts that Oscar had previously made for the pirates. While they were battling the knights, Diene made sure to use recovery magic on any of them that were injured. She also used herself as a shield at times to prevent any of the pirates from getting hurt since the church's original objective was to capture her unharmed. They battle eventually eded with both a crushing defeat of the church and the death of the leviathan, but it had caused Andika to sink into the ocean.
In the following month since the battle of Andika, Diene and the rest of its people relocated to a new settlement made of ships with the aid of Meiru and her pirates, as well as Miledi and her friends. Diene had also decided to join her sister's pirate crew during that time. When Miledi and her friends were saying their goodbyes to the people of Andika, Diene stopped a hostile interaction between Meiru and Baharl due to her sister being unhappy with his crude attitude when saying goodbye to Miledi. Diene then thanked Miledi for all she had done for her and the two hugged each other before Diene headed off in order to give Miledi and Meiru a moment alone to say goodbye as well.
As the pirates began sailing away, Diene encouraged Meiru to join Miledi on her journey while seeing her sister in a saddened state after parting with Miledi. Meiru was initially hesitate to do so out of fear that joining Miledi's cause would endanger the lives of her sister and crew, but Diene assured her that she would be fine since she had found so many people to protect and care for her. This was soon followed up by the rest of Meiru' crew encouraging her to go as well after having formed such strong bonds with them. Meiru ultimately decided to accept their request, and asked Diene to look after her crew while she was away, to which she happily agreed. The two sisters gave each other one last look before Meiru disembarked from the ship and swam off to join her new friends.
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Baharl Devault[]
Diene was scared of her father due to the years of abuse he inflicted upon her and would obey all of his orders without question. Even so, Baharl at least made sure that Diene was well provided for. Despite his harsh treatment of her, Baharl truly loved Diene, but was unable to properly convey his affection due to never having experienced being loved in his life. Following the destruction of Andika, Diene's relationship with her father improved.
Reej loved her daughter very much when she was alive.
Meiru Melusine[]
Diene wished to meet her half-sister ever since she learned about her from her mother. After meeting Meiru for the first time, Diene longed to be with her.
Following the end of the Liberators, Dylan would frequently visit Diene in Andika. The two of them developed a mutual crush, and eventually got married and had children. However, Diene would get upset with Dylan on occasion due to his attraction towards her sister Meiru's large breasts.
Miledi Reisen[]
Diene was grateful to Miledi for looking after Meiru. After the destructions of Andika, Diene became jealous of all the teasing that Meiru gave her and would later ask Miledi for advice on how to get her sister to pay more attention to her as well.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Mana Manipulation - A skill to use magic without chants and magic circles.
- Renewal - A special magic which allows the user to restore beings or objects to a previous state. It is similar to the restoration magic spell "Tetragrammaton", which Diene's half sister Meiru can use. Due to Diene's small mana capacity and large mana cost of using her special magic, she can only use it three times a day.
- Recovery Magic Affinity - It allows the user to use healing magic at a capable rate.
- Revival Field - An AOE healing spell that can even restore those with fatal wounds.
Weapons & Equipment[]
- Trident - An artifact that had been made specifically for Diene in order to boost her renewal magic. It had an aqua-colored jewel set into its shaft.
- (To herself): "What’s so different between you and god, Father?"[1]
- (To Oscar): "I won’t just sit back and watch while the people who saved Nee-sama’s life fight for me!”[1]
- (To Meiru): "I’m sorry, Nee-sama. I couldn’t protect everyone."[2]
- (To Baharl): "Miledi-san said it best. Boobs are just useless blobs of fat. Not that a man like you would understand."[2]
- (To Meiru): "Your boobs are big, mom’s boobs were big, so why are mine so tiny?!"[2]
- (To Meiru about Dylan): "Can you believe it, Nee-sama?! I finally worked up the courage to ask him what type of girl he was into and he said, 'I like girls with boobs like Meiru-san’s.' What kind of answer is that?!"[2]
- (To Meiru): "I’m happiest when I get to spend time with you, Nee-sama. This is what I always wished for. Anyone who tells me to stop seeing you isn’t someone worth loving."[2]
- Diene may be based on an Undine, which is a term for a generic water elemental that was first conceived by the alchemist Paracelsus. She may also be based on Dine from the White Cat Project.
- Diene was the first confirmed mixed breed character to appear in the series (Although her sister Meiru appeared before her during "Main Series" timeline, she was not confirmed to be a mixed breed until after Diene's debut).
- Diene was the only character who had appeared on a Arifureta Zero Manga cover page that was not a member of the Liberators (although she was their ally). She was also the only character from Arifureta Zero, who was not a Liberator, to appear in the Arifureta Picture Dramas.