Aroyce (アロイス, Aroisu?) is a member of the Dragonmen Tribe that has lived in exile with the rest of his race after they were deemed as enemies by Tortus' self-styled god Ehit.
Aroyce is a handsome man with dark green hair.
Aroyce has lived on a hidden island with the rest of his race for centuries after having been driven out buy the vessels of the mad god Ehit. He was among those that wished to win over and wed Tio Klarus by besting her in combat, to which he lost.
When the dragomen became aware of the heroes that were summoned by Ehit, Aroyce was originally chosen to venture into the mainland to investigate them due to being an expert scout, as well being able to blend easily into crowds. Tio, however, volunteered to go an investigate, to which the rest of her people reluctantly agreed to.
When Tio returned to her village in order to report of Ehit's plan to wipeout all life on Tortus, Aroyce and the other dragonman were shocked by this revelation, but were equally shocked at Tio's new perverted persona after seeing her writhe in ecstasy while explaining all of the brutal things that she experienced when she first encountered Hajime Nagumo that led her to fall in love with him. The shocked had caused Aroyce to temporally lose his mind and was desperately hugging another dagonman that he mistook as Tio.
Aroyce was among the dragonmen that accompanied Tio in order to fight Ehit, and immediately expressed his distain for Hajime upon their first encounter.
During the battle against Ehit's forces, Aroyce and the dragonmen provided air support for Tortus' allied forces against Ehit's apostle army. When a second wave of apostles arrived on the battle and unleashed a combined attack at the allied forces, Aroyce and the other dragonmen aided their allies by firing their breath attacks at the enemies, even though it exposed them to attacks from the apostles they were already fighting. Unfortunately, the new apostles had already managed to charge their magic before they even arrived, and managed to breakthrough to the command center. As the apostles unleashed a barrage of disintegration magic to wipe out Tortus' forces, Aroyce and the other dragonmen provided support for Kaori Shirasaki, who created a barrier to protect everyone. They managed to succeed in stopping the attacks, but they had used up all their mana in the process. Furthermore, the apostles were prepared to unleash a second wave of disintegration attacks at the allied forces. As they were on the verge of eliminating Tortus' army, however, the apostles suddenly became completely motionless. Everyone realized that this meant Ehit had been killed by Hajime.
Tio Klarus[]
Aroyce was among the members of their tribe that was in love with Tio, but he failed besting her in combat to earn her hand in marriage (though Tio considered him to be the strongest).
Adul Klarus[]
Aroyce greatly respects Adul and is willing to follow his orders without questions ask.
Hajime Nagumo[]
Aroyce was resentful towards Hajime, as he is the one responsible for turning Tio into some sort of pervert. Later, he acts very respectful towards him after coming to terms with Tio's new personality.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Immense Strength - Aroyce is considered to be the second-strongest among the dragonmen, just after Tio.
- Draconification (竜化, Ryū-ka?) - Like all members of his race, Aroyce can transform into a dragon.
- Mana Manipulation (魔力操作, Maryoku Sōsa?) - A skill to directly manipulate mana and use spells without the need of a magic circle or an incantation.
- Wind Magic Affinity (風属性適性, Kaze Zokusei Tekisei?) - It allows the user to use wind magic at a capable rate.
Weapons & Equipment[]
- Magic Armor - A suit of armor that Hajime Nagumo made for everyone who participated in Ragnarok. It was imbued with a triple-layered "Diamond Skin," "Shock Conversion", "Healing Conversion," "Stamina Conversion" and gravity magic that made it lighter. The helmet was imbued with "Riftwalk" and "Foresight," and the gauntlets with "Steel Arms." There were also additional features for the dragonmen, which included parts of the armor imbued with evolution magic that enhanced the power of the dragonmen's breath attacks, armor on the wings that were imbued with gravity magic to significantly enhanced their flight capabilities, and a metal tail and claws that were enchanted with spatial magic that enhanced their penetrating abilities. It was destroyed by Hajime after Ehit's death.
- CheatMate (チートメイト, Chītomeito?) - A food-type artifact comprised of nutritional minerals, such as calcium and iron, that are enchanted with metamorphosis and evolution magic. They are then turned into powder and transmuted to became a solid food block. Once consumed, it raises a person's base stats and increases their body's sturdiness.
- Last Seele (ラスト・ゼーレ, Rasuto Zēre?) - A necklace artifact with a small crimson red gem orb that Hajime made for everyone who participated in Ragnarok. It bestows its wearer the skill "Limit Break," as well as its derivative skill "Overload."
- (To Tio): "You want to be with that awful bastard who was whipping you!? Are you insane!?"[1]
- In Volume 11 of the Light Novel, Aroyce's name is spelled "Arios."