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Araym Orcman (アライム・オークマン, Araimu Ōkuman?) was the Vice-Commander of the Holy Church's Holy Templar Knights during the age of the Liberators.
Arayam was a young adult male with a thin build and swept-back black hair. After the templar knights' first battle against the Liberators and Melusine Pirates, Araym lost his right arm, and had been replaced by a metal prosthetic limb.
After being experimented on by the church, Araym's appearance changed considerably. He grew to over three meters tall, and his skin was a grotesque mixture of flesh and bits of armor that appeared to have fused into him. His fingers had been replaced with wicked metal claws, its legs were prosthetic, and there were two pulsing red stones in its body, one on his forehead and the other in his chest.
Araym was a devout follower of Ehit and the Holy Church to the point that he would willingly lay down his life, as well as his subordinates' lives, for their cause.
He was short-tempered and prone to violent outbursts when confronting those he deems as heretics. That, combined with his desire to reach martyrdom in the name of Ehit, clouded his better judgement and made him lose sight of his objective. As a result, some of his comrades believed him to be unfit to lead the Templar Knights after Laus abandons the church.
Following his transformation, Araym lost most sense of reason and acted on his primal urges.
Araym was among the church's templar knights that attacked the Melusine Pirates in order to capture the "Saint of the Western Seas". Araym and many other knights we battling the pirates' captain Meiru Melusine. When the knight saw Meiru use her magic to restore her comrades that had been fatally injured, he released that she was the church's target, while also being enraged that she was in possession of Ancient Magic due to her being a dagon. As Meiru killed several knights, Araym used his special magic "Divine Blaze" to create a whirlwind of white flames, which then split into a hundred lances of fire, and were then hurtled toward Meiru. However, she easily countered it by magicallyerectd a barrier of water. The flaming javelins created a thick curtain of steam as they crashed into the wall of seawater. A few managed to pierce through the water, but Meiru had already escaped by riding the current of her own barrier, and managed to skilled to more knights. Angered by this, Araym cursed at Meiru, but she only responded by further taunting him. After regaining his composure, Araym once again created multiple flaming spears. When Meiru turned her attention to them, she heard a noise from behind and instinctively bent herself Backwards. As she did, a glowing arrow suddenly shot through the space her head had been a second ago, then it magically curved in midair and shot back toward her again. This was the doing of Brigade Commander Lelaie Argeson, and had joined in on attacking Meiru with Araym and the remaining knights under his command.
Araym and Lelaie bombarded her with fire and arrows, but Meiru didn’t attempt to dodge. She focused on maintaining her offensive, allowing the barrage to hit. Despite the injuries she had just sustained, Meiru managed to kill another of Araym's knights, and then she the current to safety, avoiding Araym and Lelaie’s next barrage. She then launched a torrent of water at Araym's forces in order to distract them long enough to heal herself with her magic. Meiru then resumed her offensive, and was about to kill Lelaie, but was stopped by Templar Knight Commander Laus Barn, who used his own magic to momentarily stun her by attacking her soul. As Laus was about engage Meiru in combat, Araym was about to protest due to his belief that this battle was too insignificant for him to get involved in, but Laus silenced him with a single glare.
When Meiru rejected Laus offer to spare her life (and not those of her comrades) in an taunting manner, Araym expressed his outrage for her disrespect, but Laus once more silenced him with a simple gesture. When Laus then revealed that the church had captured the civilians that had attempted to flee underwater, Araym and his men sneered after seeing Meiru shocked expression.
As Meiru and the other pirated were on the verge of death, they were saved by the sudden arrival of Miledi Reisen and her companions Oscar Orcus and Naiz Gruen. Miledi immediately unleashed a massive force of gravity with her magic and sent all of the surrounding knights, including Araym, into the ocean. However, Araym and the other knights had survived and unleashed a barrage of attacks, but it had been intercepted by Naiz. As Miledi then engaged in combat with Laus, Araym and his forced with tasked with fighting Naiz.
As the magical fallout from Miledi and Laus' battle caused some of the knights to grown concerned, Araym admonished them for it, and then summoned a flaming barrier to protect them from their attacks. Aryam then resumed his pursuit for Naiz, but Naiz had appeared behind Araym and hit him with with a powerful spatial attack. Araym had survived, however, thanks to his armor, but Naiz's attack had shredded it badly wounded Aryam, as well as severing his arm. Araym wrapped himself in a curtain of fire, and the shot out the flames out in all directions. As Naiz teleported himself to safety. another knight run to Araym in order to cast healing magic on him.
As Miledi and her companions managed to turn the tide agains the church's forces, Araym had rushed towards Laus after he began to express his fatigue from the fight. Laus expressed his concern for Araym after seeing the extent of his wounds, but Araym remained committed to fighting and apologized for having failed to kill their enemies. After assessing the high casualties the knights had taken, Araym was prepared to resume battle once more. However, they battle was soon interrupted by the sudden appearance of a large aquatic monster known as a Devourer, that had been drawn too them due to large amounts of mana that both forces had been exerting. When Laus decided to take this moment to have his forces retreat, Araym vehemently protested the order, but Laus argued that they needed to regroup in order to successfully carry out their mission, to which Araym accepted. Before the knights retreated to their airship, Araym shot Miledi a crazed glare.
Araym and the other surviving templar knights engaged the pirates and Miledi's group more as the later were staging a coup in the floating island Andika. He was among 80 knights that had battle Miledi solo, but she managed to repel them, and even killed some of them, much to Araym's anger. Eventually, the battle was interrupted by the appearance of incredibly large monster, the Divine Beast Leviathan, that had been previously been sealed beneath Andika, and was attacking everyone in sight. In the end, it had been defeated by Miledi and her allies. The knights were then ordered to retreat by Laus after their forced had been reduced to one fifth of their original strength. Araym once more protested them having to repeat, but Laus argued that it would currently be impossible for them to win. Araym then accused Laus of fearing to become a martyr for their faith, but Laus countered by saying that was more important to serve their god. Despite Araym and the other knights misgivings with regards to being ordered to retreat, they ultimately followed Laus' command. Before heading back to their airship. Araym shot one last, hateful look at Oscar, who had been battling Laus prior to their retreat. After returning to the Elbard Theocracy, the head quarters of the Holy Church, Araym had been outfitted with a metal arm.
When the leaders of the Holy Church were gathering together to discuss their defeat in Andika, Araym had been secretly watching over Laus, who was busy working in the church's forge. Despite being engrossed in his forging, Laus had noticed Araym watching over him due to being able to sense his soul. Araym walked over to Laus and handed him a towel, and then reminded him about the meeting. Laus could sense Araym was concerned about something as asked him about it. Araym inquired about the interaction he had with Oscar Orcus back when they fought by Andika. At first, Laus feigned ignorance, but this only caused Araym to grow more concurred for him. He was about to question his superior's faith to serving the church, but Laus abruptly stopped him. Laus then asked if he was being interrogated, to which Araym nervously denied and bowed his head while apologizing. As Laus left the forge, Araym raised his head and watched him. Still concerned over Laus' recent behavior, Araym kept watching until Laus was out of sight. Afterwards, Araym eyed the doorway for a few seconds longer and quietly spoke of Laus' importance to the church.
Araym later took part in the church's war against the Haltina Republic by the Pale Forest, in order to capture one of those who was in possession of Ancient Magic.
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When the leaders of the Holy Church held a meeting to discuss Laus' betrayal, Ayarm was utterly shocked at the revolution. He then impassionately requested to be relieved of his post so he could chase Laus down personally, as a way to atone for his failure to act on his previous suspicions regarding Laus' lack of faith, and then kill himself in penance once he had brought down Laus. However, the Pope denied his request, and instead assigned the task to Laus' own sons Kaime and Selm. When Araym learned of this, he’d been so furious that he had gone insane, and had been forcibly dragged away to the dungeons by two of the church's guards.
Araym was utterly devoted to Ehit. He was willing to lay down is life in his god's name.
Laus Barn[]
Araym greatly respected Laus for his incredible fighting prowess, as well for his history of serving the Holy Church. After the church's defeat in Andika, Araym began to question Laus' devotion to their cause. Following Laus' disertion from the church, Araym becomes utterly enraged and desired to hunt him down. Even after Alarm had been turned into an angry beast by the church, Araym still displayed a strong desire to kill Laus.
Powers & Abilities[]
Physical Abilities[]
- Expert Combatant - As the Holy Templar Knights Vice-Commander, Araym was physically fit, able to adjust to the situation as necessary, and well-coordinated when fighting alongside his comrades.
Magical Abilities[]
- Immense Mana - As the Holy Templar Knights Vice-Commander, Araym had a large quantity of mana.
- Mana Manipulation - A skill to use magic without chants and magic circles.
- Divine Blaze - A special magic which creates a whirlwind of white flames which split into hundred lances of fire to attack the enemies.
- Fire Magic Affinity - It allows the user to use fire magic at a capable rate.
- Fireball - The most basic fire spell.
Weapons & Equipment[]
- Breastplate of Nullification - Standard for all templar knights. It has a barrier that nullifies magic.
- Gauntlet of Nullification - Standard for all templar knights. It has a barrier that nullifies magic.
- Iron Boots - Standard for all templar knights. It allows the wearer to walk mid-air.
- (To Meiru): "Tch. I’ll purge you myself! Divine Blaze!"[1]
- (To Laus): "“Do you fear martyrdom!?"[1]
- (To Laus): "Laus-sama... You are the Commander of the splendid Holy Templar Knights. You are our guiding light. Please... Please don’t forget that."[2]
- (About Laus): "L-Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaausssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh!"[3]
- (To Kyaty): "Die! I kill...heretics...traitors!"[3]
- Araym may be based on the character from the video game "Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator" with the same name. He was known as an explosives expert who had lost both his arms in active duty. Furthermore, his surname may be based on the word "Orc," which was a race of violent monsters.
- Araym lost his right arm during his first fight against the Melusine Pirates and the Liberators, but he was shown having it back during their second fight in Chapter 28 of the Manga. Whether this was a mistake or intentional is unknown, but the next Light Novel described Araym as still having only one arm.
- Araym is the only one of the church's Templar Knights that had not been turned into an apostle hybrid.